This contraversal article might make you angry but it is often a quiet practice of many companies. Some companies even have a check list of hidden qualifications such as currently employed, was given a promotion at some point of their career and job tenure of 2+ years per job. With many talented people unemployed in this market, do you think this practice is a "best practice"?
ERE Daily: Refuse the Unemployed?
Refusing Applications from the Unemployed: Best Practice or Madness?
by Dr. John Sullivan February 28th, 2011
Is it a good idea for firms hiring to purposely exclude the unemployed from consideration?
If you missed the news last summer (June 2010) about the growth of this practice, then you might be scratching your head and thinking to yourself, ‘that’s crazy.’ However, for those that follow trends and deal with job postings daily, it’s clear that postings increasingly contain some variation of the phrase “you must be currently employed in order to be considered.” For example, a posting made last week to CareerBuilder by an Alabama restaurant chain made the requirements crystal clear by putting the word “currently” in all caps.
“Must be CURRENTLY employed as a restaurant manager”
Monday, February 28, 2011
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